Let's start with the required dependencies:
We will also need the persistence.xml placed in META-INF directory on our classpath :
We're setting Hibernate as our persistence provider and Derby as JDBC driver.
Entity class Person is also specified as belonging to this persistent unit.
It's defined as:
In order to manage Person we need some kind of DAO. Let's define an interface PersonDao:
For simplicity it has only methods for adding person and finding all persons.
The sample implementation could look like:
And the most important - integration test that checks if everything is glued together correctly:
The whole project can be found at: https://github.com/mjedynak/hibernate-jpa-example
To sum up:
it's quite easy to create JPA with Hibernate project, however every entity class needs it's own DAO (unless we use a generic one).
In the next post I'll take a look at Spring Data Jpa project that solves that impediment.